Hate this life? Well guess I'm out of the rat race and that explains why I wasn't bloging for sometime. As an entrepreneur, life's not easy at first but what I know, my life will change for the best. Prayers going on, trusting keeps on adding.
Live a life, Not be a life. Be a thinker and not a dreamer. Political things do happen around us. Small things becomes big issues. Religion is playing a big part in everyone's life today. I do not understand why, I do not understand how. What I know is, every human has a right, and his/her right is to shut the f7ck up and live life as it sails. I siriously do not understand why humans today are becoming so dumb!
Inspite of all the books we read, the mass media we see and listen, I still cannot comprehand why are we fiting over small isuues. Islam, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian ... it's all a way of life. Humans made a gospel!
If I slash your body there will be a cut, there will be blood ozing out, there will be a scar no matter if you're from any religion or denomination. What's the big issue now? Everyone has rights you say? What have you done for you to talk about rights? What have you produced to the country for you to claim your rights? You father did? Your grandfather did? Good they did but they didn't say anything! What have you done? Ponder over every action that you're about to say and do. It's no point geting your legs into mud and relizing it that it's dirty!
I was hoping for a cool and funky new start! Come on its the year of the doggy dog! What I'm seeing now is complains over our PM ... Religion issue of a dead man! Reformation of God knows what!? Bloging away how good you are wont lead you anywhere. Do something good for yourself first (i.e be a human and a good citizen) then worry about doing something for the people. Life's short and no one knows when whose gonna go first. As long that we're alive, let us be humans.
Politics it ain't my field, but what I can say is this, "If there's something right that the goverment things it's right for the people, then touch your hearts again and ask am I corrupted or not? If you feel and think that you're geneuine, then go all out to do what's right for the people. The people will remember and reconize your leads, rools and deeds." This is what I can say to the politicians!
Wow we!! This is really going on an on!
I'm just glad to announce that I'm finnaly an entrepreneur. I've started my own company. I'm into marketing, design & Multimedia and Education. For further details and updates about my company, everyone can head to http://www.vjs.com.my It ain't easy to get it started but with some knowledge from the past and with some advise from numerous people, I've powered up the company and hoping those who are into the same environment and business to get intouch with me for some networking session or for a nice chat. Life's about people and friends and friendship ... Money can buy almost everything but not everything!
Signing Off -dinotino®©-
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